Monday, June 16, 2014

EVD day 8 - Clean Up and Prep

Meagan decided last night it was time to party, so she really didn't go to sleep until after 3am.  She was still sleeping this morning for quite a while when a priest knocked on the door.  I had called the day before to try and get Communion but no one could come.  Luckily, this priest could come this morning and he brought me Communion.  Even better, he administered the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick to Meagan to help prepare her for surgery this week. It was incredible to witness and I felt very blessed to have her in such good spiritual hands.

Shortly after, CT called and said they were ready for her scan.  The nurse and I walked her to CT.  The scan went quickly and we returned to Meagan's room.  She was a bit fussy but she was also tired so we got her comfortable and as she was dozing off I told the nurses I was going to get some breakfast while they were there to stay with her. When I came back from the cafeteria, she was still upset and I noticed her door was open - as I rounded the corner I could see the poor kid was very upset and getting her gown changed by the nurses.  She had projectile vomited everywhere.  The nurse and tech continued to change out her bed while I held her in my lap.  Soon after we got her all settled in bed again and she fell right back to sleep.  She looked very comfortable again.

Not feeling well 

Sound asleep after getting cleaned up

When Meagan woke up, she was right back to herself.  Blair and Dr. R had been notified of the incident but they said as long as she woke up ok, they were fine with it.  Luckily, Meagan did wake up well.  She hadn't been sick in a few days so perhaps just the fatigue and trip to CT stressed her out enough to make her sick.  Her head was puffy but relaxed again and she had an appetite. I got her a bottle and she relaxed while drinking her Pediasure and watching cartoons.  Her hair cracked me up - it was electric! 

A little while later, a volunteer with service dogs walked by Meagan's room.  He stopped in and asked if Meagan would like to see the dog. Um, yes!! Meagan LOVES dogs.  The man brought the dog over to the bed, but it was hard for Meagan to reach and pet the dog since she couldn't move as much because of her drain.  The man then asked me if Meagan would freak out if the dog jumped all the way on to the bed.  I said nope! 

So up onto the bed went the dog.  Its name was Ballys and it was the cutest Lab/Golden Retriever mix.  Meagan was in HEAVEN! She was completely happy and loved having the dog on the bed with her.  She couldn't stop smiling ear to ear and also loved leaning over and laying on its back. It was the highlight of her day!!

A pre op doctor stopped by the room saying Dr. R had slotted Meagan for surgery tomorrow. They got all the pre op questions finished and all was prepared for tomorrow's procedure.  Dr. R stopped in later to touch base and said we would talk detailed plans in the morning - he was going into emergency surgery so we would have to talk in the morning. I'm fine with that and I appreciate him stopping by.  His PA, Blair, stopped by also to say hi.  She has long blonde hair like Elsa from Frozen, so Meagan kept saying "Hi Elsa Blair".... it was hilarious! She was pretty smitten that "Elsa" was in her room.  Blair stayed and played for a little while which was nice. 
The only other wrinkle in the day besides the morning sickness was Meagan's IV going bad...again.  Her day old IV (that had replaced the first one from last Monday) was already bad.  It was getting a red line up the IV tract and every time they gave meds or flushed the line, Meagan would scream in pain.  The nurse called the IV team to come look at it and sure enough, it was bad.  This time the IV team said they would use the ultrasound machine to get a really deep and larger vein for her next IV.  I was happy about this because the superficial hand and foot IV's never stay in (as was proven with the one we just lost) and I prefer to have her stuck as few times as possible.  The IV team nurses were awesome - they did a great job and were so quick and painless for Meagan.  I love how they are so good at what they do to ease the pain of the patient.  Once the new IV was set up and good to go, they left and Meagan got to relax with a little nap while she watched Finding Nemo.

Don't worry, she's not in pain - she just cries anyone touches her :) The IV team was so good using an ultrasound to find the perfect vein so the IV would stay in really well.  They were amazing. 

Today was a lot of clean up and prep for surgery tomorrow.  Emotionally, physically, and spiritually, I feel like Meagan is in a really good place.  Emotionally, I am so ready for tomorrow - I am anxious to speak with Dr. R in the morning and get details as to what shunt system he has designed for Meagan and how we will go about helping her stay stable for a lot longer. This has been a long time coming. Spiritually I feel Meagan is stronger for tomorrow after receiving her Sacrament. God and our Catholic faith are such an important part of her life, that I want to always remember to give her the gifts that are available from that faith. And physically,  I was excited to see her happy and so interactive with the nurses and doctors. Everyone was cracking up at her antics and her silliness, and of course just relishing the sweet moments she would offer.  Even Blair came in again before she left and gave Megs a head rub and talked to her for a while.  Those moments mean so much, especially when you entrust your child to these people time and time again.  Dr. R said to me today "It seems a lot of people are drawn to Meagan from what I have heard today..."  I don't disagree....She is pretty special.

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