Sunday, June 15, 2014

EVD day 7 - Father's Day!!

Becoming a dad isn't a job... it's a vocation....and Brian took it on with open arms....

... he talked to our babies even if he wasn't sure they understand..... 

He actually changed diapers and did the "dirty work" more than you know..... 

...he took in the busy times at family beach vacations....

....just as much as those quiet moments of silence...... 

...studying for the CPA was really tough... 
but doing it without his children wasn't an option..... 

...and every time we had a new child, he gave that child special time..... by one he cherished the gifts God had given him.... 

 ..he taught them things from very young ages with confidence.....

...but also had moments he was scared too...not of the challenge...
but of providing for the people that meant most to him..... 

..when we were surprised with a special child, he didn't blink. 
He took her hand when I couldn't..... 

...held her when I couldn't..... 

...and reassured her when I couldn't..... 

...and gave her the courage to push through and thrive...

..and when challenges arise with Megs, he handles them with a smile.....

and always tries to make Meagan smile to help her through the pain...

..he has to be mom and dad when Meagan is in the hospital....

...and makes sure the older girls still have fun....

through teaching.....

...and adventure....

...he lifts them up....

..he stays strong and silly..

...loving and tender...

...there are no gifts we can possibly give him....

...that come close to the gift he is to us.... this Father's Day, we want to say thank you to this man, this husband, this father

and let's tell the truth about fathers....they are champs....

Brian is smart, caring, loving, and hands on... he helps, he hurts, he laughs, and he succeeds. He's our champ, and we are so thankful for him.

Happy Father's Day Brian!!!


  1. I think this is one of the most beautiful Father's Day posts I've ever read. Happy Father's Day, Brian!!

    1. Thank you Kerri.. been a long time on my mind. We are truly blessed to have Brian in our lives.
