Thursday, July 17, 2014

One Step

I'm sure we have all been there.  I know I have.  That moment when I just want to stop.  It's just "too hard."  Giving up seems so much easier in those moments.  It may be something as "silly" as a tough work out or a hard math test.... or things more grave like fighting an illness or dealing with a serious family situation.  Silly or serious, we are all human... and those moments of weakness are oh so trying, and a true test of our resilience.
We have now had Meagan's gait trainer three weeks.  She still screams and cries every time we put her in it, but she still tries.  She's doing really well since surgery, but gait trainer time is definitely her worst part of the day - she absolutely hates it. We were worried that all she would do is scream and get nothing out of this with therapy, but in the last few days we have seen a transition.  Still tears? Yes.  Still upset? Yes.  But her focus has shifted.  Instead of asking to get out, now she says "See Mommy," or "huggy Mommy".... and works through her crying and whining to put her feet forward one more time.  Just one more inch to reach that goal.  A few more tries. She still goes. And you can bet when she reaches me, she gets the biggest hug ever.  It is in those moments that I realize she's not giving up. It's not even on her radar.  She struggles and it's hard.  It is tough.....but she has proven tougher,  and she pushes through.
I'm pretty sure I will feel like giving up again on something in my life, whether silly or serious.  But all I have to do is think of Megs and realize if she's not giving up, neither can I.  She amazes me all the time.  But most especially in those moments where I know it would just be easier for her to stop.  To say "that's enough."  And just give up.  But as famed author C.S Lewis said, "What saves a man is to take a step.  Then another step."
And so that is what Meagan does. One step at a time, I see success through her tears.  One step at a time I see a little strength in her weakness.  And one step at a time, I see giving up slipping further and further away....and perseverance shining through.

I'm so proud of you Meagan!


  1. I have been silently reading your blog from the very beginning. How amazing and glorious is this video. She is an inspiration. As my husband and I discern a special needs adoption for our family I know that I will not fear a hydrocephalus diagnosis, and all because of Meagan. Thank you for sharing her story with us.

    1. Olivia, so glad to hear. It is often straight to hospice care in many other countries...because as you see, these children are just shining stars and need a chance! I will pray for you as you all decide what is best for your family! Good luck!

  2. I really needed to read that today. I've been taking steps from a bad situation for 18 months. There are some days that the only steps I manage are backwards, down the slippery slope to dispair

    1. It's ok to go backwards sometimes - it lets our legs rest so when we go forward again, we can take an even bigger leap :) Prayers!
