Wednesday, June 5, 2013

I scream....we all scream.....

.... for putting a ball into the toy! Yep, you read that correctly.  Not ice cream!

The girls were helping Meagan try out her new toy when I heard screaming from the other room. Like blood curdling loud girly screaming.  I ran in to see what had happened.... and Reilly told me "She did it mom! She got the ball in the toy!"  Whew! These girls....

Just something as simple as helping Meagan put a ball into a toy.  These are the little moments of joy that happen in the Gareau household.  And I love it!


  1. This is really precious. Meagan is a lucky, lucky girl to have such amazing big sisters.

  2. Sha soo sweet.they all look so happy. I didnt know Meagan had older sisters

  3. I did know she had older sisters.. sorry .. so all girls 5 thats awesome
