Friday, May 31, 2013

The Value of a Dime

Last week started out pretty typical.  End of school stuff for my older girls.  Therapies and happy mornings for Meagan.  And the day to day household chores and "to do" list that never seems to end.  Monday night I noticed Meagan seemed a little fussy, but, she is also getting some teeth so I chalked it up to that lovely stage of infancy...gave her some Motrin...called it a night.  But Meagan had different plans.

She didn't sleep that well that night.  And when I picked her up to hold her, her hands felt burning hot to me. Ugh. I knew what that meant - fever, and usually a high one.  With Meagan, her head is always hot (perhaps a clue of her personality?) ;)  But her hands are always cool.  When her hands get hot, I know she has fever. It's just one of those things I've learned along the way as one of her "tells."  I took, her temperature, and sure enough - pushing 102. I figured considering her mood the night before and the new fever, I should get her checked in the morning.

Something was off in my baby girl

I called the Pediatrician in the morning and they worked her in quickly.  We got to the office and she was increasingly miserable.  My happy girl had awoken screaming and crying...and had. not. stopped. all. morning.  She screamed and cried through our car ride....through our wait at the office....through the whole appointment.  I thought for sure it was ears.  Everytime Meagan has had fever and been miserable, it's been ears.  But nope! Her ears were fine.  Matter of fact, her Pediatrician said they looked better than ever.  Well darn.  Bit by bit, we checked all the "common" illnesses off the list - ears, strep, congestion, sinus, head cold, flu, etc..etc.  We were left with nothing but a screaming baby, a fever that was even stubborn to Motrin and no clue what was wrong.

The Pediatrician decided to go ahead and do a CBC in the office to see if anything showed up in her blood to give more of a clue as to what was going on.  Results came back - her white count was off. the. charts. high.  Dr. B suggested we take her in to Children's since she had fever, an extremely high white count, and to that point had been comletely inconsolable. I agreed because this was not my Meagan.  Not even last year when she had been so sick with a virus had she acted this way.  So off to Children's we went.

Meagan got checked into the ER and triaged by the nurse. We didn't even have to wait.  She immediately put Meagan in a room, and from there we immediately to an ER room and got settled.    And Meagan at this point? Yes. Still screaming. Inconsolable.  The doctors and nurses came in to see her - did the usual stuff to double check Dr. B's findings - and they came up with the same results.  Nothing "common" checking out, extremely high white count (which at this point had risen even further), stubborn fever, and now her CRP (c-reactive protein) was also high.  And... she was still screaming (and now it was about 6 in the evening).


Since all typical problems came back ok but the rising fever, blood counts and crp were suggesting definite infection, her CSF had to be tested.  They decided to test it through a lumbar puncture so they could culture it out over several days and see if anything showed up.  The ER doctor commented how surprised he was at my calm demeanor.  He said he has dealt with so many parents freaking out.  I can totally understand that - when it comes to our babies, we all "freak out" in our own way... and maybe I was on the inside - but it's just not me to be that way outwardly.  Meagan would have to be sedated for her lumbar puncture because she was so miserable - I was actually fine with that because I knew it would be better for her, and also would give her a moment's rest in a day full of crying and screaming.  She would have to be taken to another room to have the procedure done because of the sedation. I asked the doctor if I could go with her - he seemed rather taken aback by my question, but  I'm guessing he read my face pretty easily... which obviously said "I'm going with my daughter everywhere so just get used to it."  Ha... I may not be a freak out parent, but, I'm positive my body language and facial expressions are always clear that Meagan and I aren't to be seperated. So off we all went to sedation.

Once all the testing was done, of course, they decided to admit her.  Honestly, I was ok with that.  Typically I would fight admission for what I truly felt was a viral issue - but this time, I just knew it wasn't.  And Meagan was telling me that.  Except for the 20 minutes she was medically sedated, her behavior STILL had not calmed down.  She was still screaming, crying and just miserable. They even tried to give her some Versed to take the edge off.  Now Versed for those who don't know is a drug they often give just before surgery.  It makes you feel immediately loopy, happy and basically really drugged.  Meagan has had it before her surgeries - and even when she has been upset, within seconds, we see a happily sedated Meagan in a much calmer state and doing much better.  Well this time, that did not happen.  She was still screaming and miserable even after the Versed.  I was honestly shocked because historically, this is a medicine that really does calm her quickly.  They decided to try a bit more and push the dosage - and still NO relief.  At this point she was rolling and flailing her head into the sides of the crib, hitting her head, and was just a huge mess.  I had to physically hold her in the middle of the crib until she finally passed out around 2am to prevent her from hurting herself.  It was quite the night.

Finally passed out under 4 blankets

They had started treating her empirically for infection when we were still down in the ER.  They knew there was infection but just couldn't find the source.  There was the possibility of shunt, there was possibility of g-tube (which looked pretty bad actually) and there was the possibility she had picked up something in her 4 hospital stays and 2 surgeries she'd gone through in the previous month.  When Meagan awoke the second morning, she was still miserable - but - her fever had broken.  24 hours after IV antibiotics, I saw the first "glimpse" of "normal" Meagan.  At least without the fever, she wasn't as hot anymore.  The doctors still saw nothing growing in the cultures (which frankly, I was glad about because who wants a blood or spinal fluid infection??!!) but it still was annoying we had no "clear" answer.  They decided to recheck her white counts - they were still high so they decided to keep the IV antibiotics going through the day.  By the end of the second day, Meagan seemed calmer.  She was obviously miserable and tired but she was FINALLY not screaming all the time.  I knew the meds had kicked in and luckily had stopped whatever infection was starting.  Upon the next blood check late that night, her whites had started to fall...a great sign attacking with antibiotics was a good course of action.

Awake - not totally better but at least not crying

Day 3 Meagan woke up much happier.  Matter of fact, she woke up, looked around and said "Dada. Dada."  This is how she typically wakes up... so I knew we'd finally turned the corner.  We saw Meagan's NSG, her GI and the general Peds who were on call at that time.  All concluded she had picked up some sort of post surgical staph infection, but, because I was so on top of bringing her in, they feel they kicked the infection before it spread into her blood or csf.  They said because she was doing so much better, and her white count had dropped again, along with her crp finally coming down, she could go home.  But she would be sent home on a 14 day heavy antibiotic to make sure we knocked off whatever was left of the infection.  I was fine with that!

Finally calm and getting discharged

So needless to say, once we got home, I kinda of chuckled.  I had just posted about Meagan doing so well and how she wakes up so happy.  And then bam, we were back in the hospital.  Just goes to show you how things can change on a dime.  One minute I was enjoying my smiling little girl, and the next, she was screaming and hot in my arms.  A dime can't get you much these days.  Not even a stick of gum! But I must say, after experiencing how quickly things can change, I see the value of that dime much better now.  Things can change in an instant with these kids - and sometimes people (especially those not dealing with this stuff) forget that.  As quickly as things can go bad, though, these kids return to good. And so quickly.  They are rockstars. So that's what we are focusing on.  Those happy smiles.  Thanking God we caught infection early.  And having a whole new view on the value of a dime....let's keep it on the good side for a while!

Recovering at home

1 comment:

  1. Ugh! I hear you for sure. We are now on our 4th hospital admittance this month. Ellie has a shunt infection so they had to externalize it so we will be here for awhile. My question is, why do things always have to make a drastic change in the middle of the night? Hope Meagan is feeling better.
