Thursday, August 30, 2012

Pre-op Peace

Today Meagan had all her pre-op appointments.  First, we went to Children's to get all her paperwork and bloodwork done.  I checked Meagan in, confirmed all her information, and then went back to see the nurse practitioner for all her anesthesia pre-op questionaires.  We went through all of Meagan's medical history, and got her bloodwork done.  Afterwards, we went across the street to the pediatric plastic surgeon's office to sign all our consents.  We talked with the nurse and went over details about the procedure.  We went over all the risks and possibilities of what "could" happen during the surgery.  It was at this moment, I started to feel a few butterflies in my stomach.  "This is really necessary, right?" I thought to myself. Even though I know it is, there is still that moment where you are also "deciding" on something for your child.  She isn't lethargic in my arms in need of emergency surgery.  So it's a little tough sometimes to "decide" your child has to have surgery - even though it is absolutely needed.  I continued to sign the forms and finished my conversation to the nurse. I felt "good" about moving forward, but still had a few of those butterflies.  Then, I noticed the paper at the back of our consent packet. It read... "Prognosis if consent is refused: POOR"

I immediately breathed a sigh of relief.  That was the last little "sign" I was looking for to verify my feelings we were making the right decision.  We want Meggy to have the BEST prognosis that is possible.... seeing "poor" checked in the prognosis line if we did NOT do the surgery, gave me instant peace of mind.
So on we go! Only 5 days until surgery now...hopefully it will bring my sweet girl some "head" relief and continue to help pave her path so she can keep reaching for her greatest potential!


  1. I hope everything goes smoothly with minimal issue or pain. Her little face is so very sweet! My Ellie just had surgery a week ago Monday and even though it was minor, I was still terrified (especially since she has had issues with anesthesia too). I will be praying for peace for your mama's heart and for your sweet little girl.

  2. keeping your little girl in my prayers <3
