Tuesday, August 21, 2012

4 "firsts"

This week has been quite a roller coaster.  We had a health scare with our lovable Lab, Dudley, which was a crazy couple of days.  It has been very busy getting back to school and I feel like I haven't caught up quite yet.  In addition, I have had to deal with some unforeseen and unfortunate  issues this week... the kind of issues that result in a virtual punch in the gut.  So it's been a much busier than expected and a much more emotionally trying time than expected this week on top of prepping everything for Meagan's surgery in 2 weeks.  ( I will be in appointment and pre-op hell the next week and a half).  That said, there have been a lot of "firsts" this week that make all the stress take a back seat, at least temporarily, and I want to make sure I focus on those.

1. Anna started Preschool this year! She has been asking to go to school for 2 years now.   She has watched her older sisters go, attended their class parties, and was so excited for it to be her turn.  We have a lot of hand me down clothes, as you can imagine with 5 girls... but I always make a point to get each girl a special new outfit for their first day of pre-K.  Anna's favorite color is red, so of course you know her outfit had to have red in it.

 The big girls were SO excited for Anna.  They were very sweet, trying to prepare her for her first day.  Maura wanted to get in on the action too.

2. Meagan is actually taking an interest in her bottles now.  She still nurses most of the time, but she is starting to notice her bottle and react to it more with her hands.  Before about a week ago, I could prepare a bottle and she woudln't have a reaction to it until it got very close to her mouth.  Earlier this week I was meeting with my friend Lori.  Of course, Maura had to go to the bathroom for the 500th time, so I gave Meagan to Lori so she could feed her the rest of her bottle.   I came back from the bathroom, and Lori said "Did you know she is trying to hold her bottle?"  I looked over at Meagan and sure enough, she had her little hands around the top of the bottle! I had never seen that before! She was really trying to grasp it and hold it up.  I think in the near future, Meagan will be able to hold it all on her own. I was so proud of her! (Maybe I need to have Lori hold her more often?) :)

Good job Meagan!


3. Our second born daughter, Kaitlin turned 6 today.  I guess that's not really a "first"... but it technically is the first time she's been 6.  So that is exciting for all of us.  We let her choose her birthday dinner, and naturally, she chose Chipotle (her Godfather, Uncle Kevin would be so proud).  After dinner, we sang to her and she blew out her "6" candle on her ice cream cake.  She got some nice gifts from us, Nanny and Pop Pop, and Grandma and Grandpa.  All in all, she had a great 6th birthday. 

4. Lastly, since Stubborn Pants (I'm convinced that's Meagan's new name) is still refusing foods, I figured a little frosting couldn't hurt.  She really didn't know what to do with it.  Made a great picture though!

 It's amazing how you can really have a few days where you suddenly feel beaten down, especially when it is completely unexpected.  However, I realized tonight how many good things have happened this week with my family,  and I feel blessed with the amazing kids God has prvilieged me to raise.  I couldn't allow all the 'firsts' to be overshadowed by the unconstructive events of the week.  The good moments are what keep me going. (Especially when I see Meagan struggle to accomplish something new).  Good moments, like the four I mentioned above, light a fire in me to tackle the negativity head on, so I can continue to be the strong and stand up example my girls need. 


  1. Lots of love to you and the family Molly! Will be great for all our kids to meet each other for the 'first' time someday! :)

  2. Those are 4 exciting things :) Sorry about the other things...

  3. Ur an awesome mommy <3 do u have a facebook id love to follow meagan's story and be aboe to pray for ur family and her as well:)
