Monday, July 23, 2012

2 Things

1. We met with Dr. W today (the Pediatric Plastic Surgeon and Craniofacial specialist). We originally were supposed to go on August 9th, but his office called last week and said they'd like to see her today after speaking with Dr. R (Neurosurgeon).  Dr. W. examined Meagan's head, went over her scans and notes from Dr. R with us and said that, like Dr. R had suggested, sooner is better than later.  We met with his assistant who was able to schedule Meagan for September 4th.  We go for a pre-op appointment on August 30th.  So, surgery date is set.  We now see Dr. R on Wednesday to finalize details.

2.  More importantly, Meagan is 10 months old today!! Where does the time go?! It is flying by.  Happy 10 months Meagan Theresa! You are such a joy!

Sweet baby!

First pair of shoes - size 1's and SO cute!

10 months old.. and I think her hair grew again overnight!

1 comment:

  1. Yes... always good to have a time frame to work with. Meagan is absolutely adorable!! Y'all are on our prayer list at church but I will add the surgery date.
    Karen & David
