Saturday, September 24, 2011

Pictures of Meagan's birth

Happy Birthday Meagan Theresa
7lbs 5oz
20 1/2 inches

She looks very determined

Got to sneak in one kiss

Daddy, Mommy, and our newest baby girl

Daddy with Meagan in the NICU

Meagan is serious about sleep

Enjoying her Nap Nanny in the NICU at Children's


  1. She's so beautiful!!!! Congrats and will be thinking of you all in the days and weeks to come!

  2. THANK YOU for the update - she is precious! So glad to 'meet' her!

  3. She is beautiful.

    Praying that surgery goes well for her on Monday.

  4. What a beautiful little angel girl! She is precious and SO determined:) I will be praying for this sweet baby girl and all of you! Please let us know often how Meagan is doing! Hugs and Prayers!

  5. Awww..she is beautiful! Reading all about her. =)

  6. Yes, I have been reading your blog this entire time... I love that you are sharing your journey :)
