Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Photos: NICU and post surgery

Meagan's MRI scan before surgery - all the white is the fluid that's been building in her brain. The little grey strip is her brain tissue.

Mommy and Daddy's big hand compared to Meagan's tiny hand

FINALLY got to hold Meagan!

Meagan is resting well after surgery - has all the monitors and medicine she needs to be comfortable. She's on a breathing tube but hopefully that comes off in a day.
Her shunt is place about an inch behind her right ear in this picture.. the tubing goes down her chest, stomach and empties into her abdomen. She should start feeling some immediate relief from the fluid pressure.

Sweet baby

1 comment:

  1. Sweet baby girl:) I love her and I am sooooo happy you got to hold her! Big hugs and continued prayers!
