Friday, August 19, 2011

32 week OB check

I went for my 32 week OB check! Can't believe that in 6 weeks or less I will finally get to see my little Meagan.  I'm still measuring about a week ahead -- with her head 4 1/2 weeks ahead, she must really be tucked in there! I definitely feel like it at least!

Everything checked out fine with me - I'm honestly shocked my blood pressure is still low/normal with the amount of stress I feel! But I was glad to hear all was well.  That way I can still just focus on Meagan.

We talked a lot about delivery at the appointment.  I had several questions for her following my conversation with my good friend about the actual procedure and how she does things and we were able to cover all of that.  She also looked over our cord blood kit from Duke and seemed ok with everything, so that was good.

I had originally asked to be on a surgical floor afterwards since Meagan won't be with me - but - the more I thought about it, the more I realized I actually WANTED to be on the floor where people had babies and where nurses were helping moms who had just delivered. I relayed this desire to the doctor, and she said of course, it wouldn't be a problem to be on the maternity ward. 

I also told her I had one "non-negotiable" item - Meagan would need to be Baptized/Confirmed right after birth.  She said it should not be a problem at all - just to tell the hospital at my pre-op and they'd work with me.  She said normally the Priest will sit outside the room, and when baby is about to be delivered, they "throw scrubs on the Priest and bring him in".. LOL.  So as long as we can find a Priest to do the Baptism/Confirmation (which is a whole other issue I won't go in to), that will work out just fine. 

Before I left, she said I will start coming back in a week for 2 NST's a week (non-stress tests) to make sure Meagan is still thriving in there.  Between those twice a week appointments, and my once a week appointment at the Perinatologist, I think I will be camping out at the doctors' offices!

I'm starting to feel very anxious about delivery! Not anxious worried... but anxious excited. Ready for it to be here (well, in a few weeks from now ;) )  I am packing my bags this weekend so I am ready -- writing out notes and instructions for the Grandmas (my mom and Brian's mom will be coming to take care of the 4 kids... get the 2 older ones to school each day..etc..), and just get things ready in general!

I go back to the doctor the 1st of September -- I hope the rest of August flies by!

1 comment:

  1. Sound like things are going well! Good luck with delivery.
